static ABTU_ret_err int | ythread_create (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_pool *p_pool, void(*thread_func)(void *), void *arg, ABTI_thread_attr *p_attr, ABTI_thread_type thread_type, ABTI_sched *p_sched, thread_pool_op_kind pool_op, ABTI_ythread **pp_newthread) |
static ABTU_ret_err int | thread_revive (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_pool *p_pool, void(*thread_func)(void *), void *arg, thread_pool_op_kind pool_op, ABTI_thread *p_thread) |
static void | thread_join (ABTI_local **pp_local, ABTI_thread *p_thread) |
static void | thread_free (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_thread *p_thread, ABT_bool free_unit) |
static void | thread_root_func (void *arg) |
static void | thread_main_sched_func (void *arg) |
static ABTU_ret_err int | thread_migrate_to_pool (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_thread *p_thread, ABTI_pool *p_pool) |
static ABT_unit_id | thread_get_new_id (void) |
static void | thread_key_destructor_stackable_sched (void *p_value) |
static void | thread_key_destructor_migration (void *p_value) |
int | ABT_thread_create (ABT_pool pool, void(*thread_func)(void *), void *arg, ABT_thread_attr attr, ABT_thread *newthread) |
| Create a new ULT. More...
int | ABT_thread_create_to (ABT_pool pool, void(*thread_func)(void *), void *arg, ABT_thread_attr attr, ABT_thread *newthread) |
| Create a new ULT and yield to it. More...
int | ABT_thread_create_on_xstream (ABT_xstream xstream, void(*thread_func)(void *), void *arg, ABT_thread_attr attr, ABT_thread *newthread) |
| Create a new ULT associated with an execution stream. More...
int | ABT_thread_create_many (int num_threads, ABT_pool *pool_list, void(**thread_func_list)(void *), void **arg_list, ABT_thread_attr attr, ABT_thread *newthread_list) |
| Create a set of new ULTs. More...
int | ABT_thread_revive (ABT_pool pool, void(*thread_func)(void *), void *arg, ABT_thread *thread) |
| Revive a terminated work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_revive_to (ABT_pool pool, void(*thread_func)(void *), void *arg, ABT_thread *thread) |
| Revive a terminated ULT and yield to it. More...
int | ABT_thread_free (ABT_thread *thread) |
| Free a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_free_many (int num_threads, ABT_thread *thread_list) |
| Free a set of work units. More...
int | ABT_thread_join (ABT_thread thread) |
| Wait for a work unit to terminate. More...
int | ABT_thread_join_many (int num_threads, ABT_thread *thread_list) |
| Wait for a set of work units to terminate. More...
int | ABT_thread_exit (void) |
| Terminate a calling ULT. More...
int | ABT_thread_cancel (ABT_thread thread) |
| Send a cancellation request to a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_self (ABT_thread *thread) |
| Get the calling work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_self_id (ABT_unit_id *id) |
| Get ID of the calling work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_get_last_xstream (ABT_thread thread, ABT_xstream *xstream) |
| Get an execution stream associated with a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_get_state (ABT_thread thread, ABT_thread_state *state) |
| Get a state of a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_get_last_pool (ABT_thread thread, ABT_pool *pool) |
| Get the last pool of a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_get_last_pool_id (ABT_thread thread, int *id) |
| Get the last pool's ID of a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_get_unit (ABT_thread thread, ABT_unit *unit) |
| Get a unit handle of the target work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_set_associated_pool (ABT_thread thread, ABT_pool pool) |
| Set an associated pool for the target work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_yield_to (ABT_thread thread) |
| Yield the calling ULT to another ULT. More...
int | ABT_thread_yield (void) |
| Yield the calling ULT to its parent ULT. More...
int | ABT_thread_resume (ABT_thread thread) |
| Resume a ULT. More...
int | ABT_thread_migrate_to_xstream (ABT_thread thread, ABT_xstream xstream) |
| Request a migration of a work unit to a specific execution stream. More...
int | ABT_thread_migrate_to_sched (ABT_thread thread, ABT_sched sched) |
| Request a migration of a work unit to a specific scheduler. More...
int | ABT_thread_migrate_to_pool (ABT_thread thread, ABT_pool pool) |
| Request a migration of a work unit to a specific pool. More...
int | ABT_thread_migrate (ABT_thread thread) |
| Request a migration of a work unit to any available execution stream. More...
int | ABT_thread_set_callback (ABT_thread thread, void(*cb_func)(ABT_thread thread, void *cb_arg), void *cb_arg) |
| Register a callback function in a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_set_migratable (ABT_thread thread, ABT_bool migratable) |
| Set the migratability in a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_is_migratable (ABT_thread thread, ABT_bool *is_migratable) |
| Get the migratability of a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_is_primary (ABT_thread thread, ABT_bool *is_primary) |
| Check if a work unit is the primary ULT. More...
int | ABT_thread_is_unnamed (ABT_thread thread, ABT_bool *is_unnamed) |
| Check if a work unit is unnamed. More...
int | ABT_thread_equal (ABT_thread thread1, ABT_thread thread2, ABT_bool *result) |
| Compare two work unit handles for equality. More...
int | ABT_thread_get_stacksize (ABT_thread thread, size_t *stacksize) |
| Get a stack size of a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_get_id (ABT_thread thread, ABT_unit_id *thread_id) |
| Get ID of a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_set_arg (ABT_thread thread, void *arg) |
| Set an argument for a work-unit function of a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_get_arg (ABT_thread thread, void **arg) |
| Retrieve an argument for a work-unit function of a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_get_thread_func (ABT_thread thread, void(**thread_func)(void *)) |
| Retrieve a work-unit function of a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_set_specific (ABT_thread thread, ABT_key key, void *value) |
| Set a value with a work-unit-specific data key in a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_get_specific (ABT_thread thread, ABT_key key, void **value) |
| Get a value associated with a work-unit-specific data key in a work unit. More...
int | ABT_thread_get_attr (ABT_thread thread, ABT_thread_attr *attr) |
| Get attributes of a work unit. More...
ABTU_ret_err int | ABTI_thread_revive (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_pool *p_pool, void(*thread_func)(void *), void *arg, ABTI_thread *p_thread) |
ABTU_ret_err int | ABTI_ythread_create_primary (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_xstream *p_xstream, ABTI_ythread **p_ythread) |
ABTU_ret_err int | ABTI_ythread_create_root (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_xstream *p_xstream, ABTI_ythread **pp_root_ythread) |
ABTU_ret_err int | ABTI_ythread_create_main_sched (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_xstream *p_xstream, ABTI_sched *p_sched) |
ABTU_ret_err int | ABTI_ythread_create_sched (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_pool *p_pool, ABTI_sched *p_sched) |
void | ABTI_thread_join (ABTI_local **pp_local, ABTI_thread *p_thread) |
void | ABTI_thread_free (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_thread *p_thread) |
void | ABTI_ythread_free_primary (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_ythread *p_ythread) |
void | ABTI_ythread_free_root (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_ythread *p_ythread) |
ABTU_ret_err int | ABTI_thread_get_mig_data (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_thread *p_thread, ABTI_thread_mig_data **pp_mig_data) |
void | ABTI_thread_handle_request_cancel (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_xstream *p_local_xstream, ABTI_thread *p_thread) |
ABTU_ret_err int | ABTI_thread_handle_request_migrate (ABTI_global *p_global, ABTI_local *p_local, ABTI_thread *p_thread) |
void | ABTI_thread_print (ABTI_thread *p_thread, FILE *p_os, int indent) |
void | ABTI_thread_reset_id (void) |
ABT_unit_id | ABTI_thread_get_id (ABTI_thread *p_thread) |
static void | thread_join_busywait (ABTI_thread *p_thread) |
static void | thread_join_futexwait (ABTI_thread *p_thread) |
static void | thread_join_yield_thread (ABTI_xstream **pp_local_xstream, ABTI_ythread *p_self, ABTI_thread *p_thread) |